July 2020 Newsletter
The word is out in the penguin world that Motuihe is predator free. Our little blue penguins have been very busy.
During July there were two volunteer trips to Motuihe. All 27 volunteers were adults and included 9 of our leaders team.
During July there were two volunteer trips to Motuihe. All 27 volunteers were adults and included 9 of our leaders team.
The Motuihe Project has much to celebrate. Over the last 20 years pests have been removed, weeds brought under control, nearly half a million trees planted and endangered birds and reptiles released. All of this with volunteer labour. 'Save the Date' and celebrate your contribution to this outstandingly successful project. We have planned a dinner evening at the Outboard Boating Club so we can all catch up with old friends. An invitation with full details will go out in a few weeks. Don’t miss it.
First Aid workshop:
A few places are still available on this basic course for Motuihe volunteers. Sunday 9 August 8.30 am to 4 pm in Orakei. Come and learn CPR, using the defibrillator, and managing the sprains, stings and grazes that sometimes happen on the island. Contact hazel@breakthroughstrategies.co.nz now if you would like to attend. No charge for attendees.
Website heritage pages update
This project continues and the latest update is the WWI Internment Camp page. Check it out
Friday 24 July
A gang of 8 hitched a ride with DoC from Bayswater and Okahu on a dryish, blustery Friday. It was weeding all day with most of us finding moth pods just off the beaten Tieke track. We then headed across to Ohinerau finding plenty of woolies and junior moth towards and in the paper clip. Liz weeded in the nursery and did the most important job; BBQ and kettle. We caught the sea shuttle from a flat Ocean beach after a quick beach clean.
Great to see Graham, Frances and David back and good to have Suzanne, Phil and Rosey join in. Everyone takes a dim view of woolies which is the kind of talk we like to hear on the island!
Simon Sheen
Great to see Graham, Frances and David back and good to have Suzanne, Phil and Rosey join in. Everyone takes a dim view of woolies which is the kind of talk we like to hear on the island!
Simon Sheen
Liz enjoys the spring flowers even with cold feet!
Sunday 26 July
Two water taxis took 19 volunteers to the island for a day of weeding. Many of the volunteers were new to the project and for some their first time on the island. Lois, Jill and Mike Sumner led the weeding teams and covered an extensive area in the centre of the island. Jacqui and Diana potted up 200 seedlings and Emma joined in after returning from weeding. The weather was kind and it was a very successful day for everyone.
Fiona Alexander.
The nursery workers